
13. april 2018
New chemical joint venture contract with Maersk Oil / Total
Jutlandia Terminal has in cooperation with MI Swaco A Schlumberger Company just won the chemical joint venture contract with Maersk Oil / Total.

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11. april 2018
Jutlandia Terminal is to perform Port Agency Services to the Borkum Riffgrund 2 project
April 6, 2018 the agreement around performing Port Agency Services to the Borkum Riffgrund 2 project for Fred. Olsen Windcarrier is settled.

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19. marts 2018
Kick off day with the new Board of Directors
A/S J. Lauritzen’s Eftf. and Jutlandia Terminal A/S strengthen the Board of Directors to accelerate our vision and equip us with additional strong competencies to ensure to fulfill our full potential

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19. marts 2018
New agreement with MHI Vestas Offshore Wind
Jutlandia has just signed a new extensive agreement with MHI Vestas Offshore Wind. The agreement includes loading offshore wind turbine components out of Esbjerg on installation vessels.

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30. januar 2018
Vi styrker vores bestyrelse
Vi har pr. 1/1-2018 udvidet bestyrelsen i J. Lauritzen og Jutlandia med 3 personer

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23. januar 2018
Hilsen fra CEO, Kristian Svarrer
Året der gik 2017

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23. januar 2018
Travlt beskæftiget med MHI Vestas projekt
Ved årsskiftet 2017/2018 indgik Jutlandia ny aftale med MHI Vestas, dækkende Stevedoring og Agency Service på i alt 116 komplette 8.0 WTG’er, herunder naceller, vinger og tårnsektioner.

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Jørgen Laursen
H.H. Danship - Manager
Vi har et godt og tæt samarbejde med Jutlandia. Gode relationer og generelt et rigtig samarbejde på alle niveauer.

Hovedårsagen til at vi har valgt at bruge Jutlandia, er fordi de tilbyder frokost og fordi Kjeld altid bringer kaffe med på kajen.
Spøg til side.. Jutlandia har altid styr på tingene og ved hvad de laver. De har nogle gode og erfarene folk.
Amasus -
In Jutlandia we see a trusted local partner at the port of Esbjerg. They assist us with all our needs and function as the link between us, the terminal and all people involved in shipments.
We are hoping on many more years of good cooperation between Jutlandia, Amasus & all our vessels which visit the port of Esbjerg!